Daniel's Story
Daniel is a 43-year-old father of four children. Daniel did not live with his children, as his wife Amma was living in Egypt alone with their four children. Amma passed away in 2020, leaving behind four young children. StARS took care of the children and found them a host from their community who took them in and took care of them. StARS was able to reach Daniel who began to establish close contact with his children while he explored different options for long-term care arrangements for them. In May 2021, Daniel was forced to leave Sudan due to unrest in his area. Together with his new wife he fled to Egypt, where he eventually was reunited with his children. Daniel found a house and a job, which paid him EGP 700 (GBP 29) per month. He struggled to pay rent every month. Soon after he commenced his new job, Daniel started to feel sick, suffering from general fatigue, drowsiness, shortness of breath, severe joint pain, and swelling. Consequently, he lost his job and was no longer able to support his family financially. Daniel visited a doctor who diagnosed him with sickle cell anaemia and, as a result, needed regular blood transfusions, close medical followup, and medications. Daniel approached StARS for support. StARS supported Daniel with financial assistance and the Medical Access Program referred him to one of StARS’ partner hospitals in which he began to receive blood transfusions at a reduced cost. MAP also provided Daniel with medical grants to ensure he could cover the costs of his treatment. Page 11 of 11 Daniel’s wife returned to Sudan, leaving him alone with taking care of his four young children. To ensure that Daniel and his children remain in a safe and stable living condition, the Adults and Families Psychosocial Program followed up closely with them to ensure they have enough money to cover their basic needs. A legal advisor follows up on the registration process with UNHCR in order to help Daniel and his children to register and receive valid documentation. The close collaboration between StARS’ departments ensures that Daniel’s children are well taken care of, and their needs are met during this challenging period of time. Through StARS’ support, Daniel is able to secure adequate and safe housing for his children, and access adequate medical care to avoid his condition deteriorating.